Friday, February 25, 2011

Inception (No, not the movie)

Welcome to my kickass blog page! I have no idea who you are, and vice versa… so, instead of being rude, my name is Matt. Hello. How has your day gone so far? Hopefully well, and if so then what a coincidence, same here J Now you’re probably wondering what is the big deal with this blog. Am I just ranting? I could be or you could just keep reading to find out for yourself. The goal in regards to this first blog of mine really is to establish the whole concept of “blogging” and what it’s kind of about. What I mean is: instead of just hearing about blogs and wondering time and time again what the big deal is with this "blogging" i've come to terms and have gave in. What my current understanding of a blog is is more so a place where anyone can write their thoughts on any subject out for the entire world to see. At the core, that’s what a blog is. A handful of different websites have reinvented the “blog” over and over and over. How? For example: facebook, myspace, twitter… just to name a few. Personally I’ve been using facebook for a couple years now and before I made my account I was unaware that it is a form of blogging. I think it’s safe to say that I’m not the only one who’s made that assumption that facebook isn’t a form of blogging. Fair enough? I believe so :D So, we’ve established what a blog kind of is: a website used to post ideas for others to take in. It’s not all limited to writing, there are video blogs as well. Two of my favorites (when I actually watched them back in the day) were the two podcasts: Ask A Ninja, and Goodnight Burbank. I would suggest checking them out…. They can be pretty hilarious. Anyways, video blogs are a very popular form of blogging… I’m sure you’ve heard of youtube. If you haven’t then pay attention to this sentence, if you have heard of youtube then skip to the next one: youtube is a website that allows everyday people to connect together online and share videos that can be uploaded in a number of ways. Crafty? I’d say so. If only I had invented it! Lol But anyways, this is only one of the many websites that allow public video sharing. Thanks to youtube and everything similar to it, anyone with a camera can video blog, and at some point just about everyone does! My initial thoughts on blogging was something along the lines of a journalist. I thought a blogger was someone who just wrote all day on particular issues or problems like a journalist. And in a way I can see how I was right and wrong… considering that a blog is generally done with some form of purpose which does answer an issue or problem, or simply just existing like a car forum the blog is then the answer to an issue.  Looking back on it, it was a very narrow perception on what a blogger is, since we know a little bit more about how blogging can be done… and the motives surrounding it.  


D22 Zone said...

Hello Matt! Starting off a blog is hard work, you got to put a lot of time and effort into making it succeed! Work hard and it will pay off! Thumbs up! D22 Supporting!

Alexander said...

Looking forward to what you have to share! goodluck!

Anonymous said...

Blog inception, eheh :)
Have a great time here man!

Ngratz said...

Looking forward to more posts from you. Added to my morning coffee and subscribed.

Oh and turn captcha off

Marc said...

Good luck sharing

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tarah said...

I've seen Ask A Ninja and I have to agree its hilarious. Also, I never thought of facebook as a blog but if you put it that way it really is. Followed!

Ashton Chase said...

Looking forward to future posts, best of luck.

Ezra said...

I'm okay with this.

Ian Maguire said...

Following, I look forward to your future stuff.